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Sorghum Pearl millet

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Sorghum Pearl millet Recipe

Sorghum Pearl millet Blend

Uses: This recipe useful for Diabetes patients and for who want to lose the weight.

Contains: It contains B vitamin and Minerals like Iron, Magnesium, potassium zinc etc.

 A cup of Sorghum has a whopping 22 grams of protein

Recipe Process

 Ingredients : one cup of sorghum, one cup pearl millet, 1 table spoon salt, ½ cup  curd,  1 onion,  and  chilly

Take one cup of sorghum, one cup pearl millet in one bowl add water and soak it whole night.

Blend it in the morning

Now Boil 4 cup of water on stove.

Add salt and blended mix to the boil water

Cook it for 15mins.

Off the stove and take it in to bowl.

 Add curd, onion and chilly and mix it. If you like spicy add chilly or you can skip.

The tasty and healthy sorghum pearl millet nutrition Food is ready to drink.

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